What Is a Solvency Ratio, and How Is It Calculated? (2024)

What Is a Solvency Ratio?

A solvency ratio is a key metric used to measure an enterprise’s ability to meet its long-term debt obligations and is used often by prospective business lenders. A solvency ratio indicates whether a company’s cash flow is sufficient to meet its long-term liabilities and thus is a measure of its financial health. An unfavorable ratio can indicate some likelihood that a company will default on its debt obligations.

Key Takeaways

  • A solvency ratio examines a firm's ability to meet its long-term debts and obligations.
  • The main solvency ratios include the debt-to-assets ratio, the interest coverage ratio, the equity ratio, and the debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio.
  • Solvency ratios are often used by prospective lenders when evaluating a company's creditworthiness as well as by potential bond investors.
  • Solvency ratios and liquidity ratios both measure a company's financial health but solvency ratios have a longer-term outlook than liquidity ratios.
  • Like other financial ratios, solvency ratios often hold most value when compared over time or against other companies.

What Is a Solvency Ratio, and How Is It Calculated? (1)

UnderstandingSolvency Ratios

A solvency ratio is one of many metrics used to determine whether a company can stay solvent in the long term. A solvency ratio is a comprehensive measure of solvency, as it measures a firm's actual cash flow, rather than net income, by adding back depreciation and other non-cash expenses to assess a company’s capacity to stay afloat.

It measures this cash flow capacity versus all liabilities, rather than only short-term debt. This way, a solvency ratio assesses a company's long-term health by evaluating its repayment ability for its long-term debt and the interest on that debt.

Solvency ratios vary from industry to industry. A company’s solvency ratio should, therefore, be compared with its competitors in the same industry rather than viewed in isolation.

A solvency ratio terminology is also used when evaluating insurance companies, comparing the size of their capital relative to the premiums written, and measures the risk an insurer faces on claims it cannot cover.

The main solvency ratios are the debt-to-assets ratio, the interest coverage ratio, the equity ratio, and the debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio. These measures may be compared with liquidity ratios, which consider a firm's ability to meet short-term obligations rather than medium- to long-term ones.

Types of Solvency Ratios

Interest Coverage Ratio

The interest coverage ratio is calculated as follows:

InterestCoverageRatio=EBITInterestExpenses\text{Interest Coverage Ratio}=\frac{\text{EBIT}}{\text{Interest Expenses}}InterestCoverageRatio=InterestExpensesEBIT


  • EBIT = Earningsbeforeinterestandtaxes

The interest coverage ratio measures how many times a company can cover its current interest payments with its availableearnings. In other words, it measures the margin of safety a company has for paying interest on its debt during a given period.

The higher the ratio, the better. If the ratio falls to 1.5 or below, it may indicate that a company will have difficulty meeting the interest on its debts.

Debt-to-Assets Ratio

The debt-to-assets ratio is calculated as follows:

Debt-to-AssetsRatio=DebtAssets\text{Debt-to-Assets Ratio}=\frac{\text{Debt}}{\text{Assets}}Debt-to-AssetsRatio=AssetsDebt

The debt-to-assets ratio measures a company's total debt to its total assets. It measures a company's leverage and indicates how much of the company is funded by debt versus assets, and therefore, its ability to pay off its debt with its available assets. A higher ratio, especially above 1.0, indicates that a company is significantly funded by debt and may have difficulty meetings its obligations.

Equity Ratio

The shareholder equity ratio is calculated as follows:

SER=TSETotalassetswhere:SER=ShareholderequityratioTSE=Totalshareholderequity\begin{aligned}&\text{SER}=\frac{\text{TSE}}{\text{Total assets}}\\\textbf{where:}\\&\text{SER}\!=\!\text{Shareholder equity ratio}\\&\text{TSE}\!=\!\text{Total shareholder equity}\end{aligned}where:SER=TotalassetsTSESER=ShareholderequityratioTSE=Totalshareholderequity

The equity ratio, or equity-to-assets, shows how much of a company is funded by equity as opposed to debt. The higher the number, the healthier a company is. The lower the number, the more debt a company has on its books relative to equity.

Debt-to-Equity (D/E) Ratio

The debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio is calculated as follows:

DebttoEquityRatio=DebtOutstandingEquity\text{Debt to Equity Ratio}=\frac{\text{Debt Outstanding}}{\text{Equity}}DebttoEquityRatio=EquityDebtOutstanding

The D/E ratio is similar to the debt-to-assets ratio, in that it indicates how a company is funded, in this case, by debt. The higher the ratio, the more debt a company has on its books, meaning the likelihood of default is higher. The ratio looks at how much of the debt can be covered by equity if the company needed to liquidate.

Don't just look at one ratio from one period; most financial ratios are able to tell more of a story when you look at the same ratio over time or look at the same ratio across similar companies.

Solvency Ratios vs. Liquidity Ratios

Solvency ratios and liquidity ratios are similar but have some important differences. Both of these categories of financial ratios will indicate the health of a company. The main difference is that solvency ratios offer a longer-term outlook on a company whereas liquidity ratios focus on the shorter term.

Solvency ratios look at all assets of a company, including long-term debts such as bonds with maturities longer than a year. Liquidity ratios, on the other hand, look at just the most liquid assets, such as cash and marketable securities, and how those can be used to cover upcoming obligations in the near term.

If an investor wants to know whether a company will be able to pay its bills next year, they are often most interested in looking at the liquidity of the company. If a company is illiquid, they won't be able to pay their short-term bills as they come due. On the other hand, investors more interested in a long-term health assessment of a company would want to loop in long-term financial aspects.

Limitations of Solvency Ratios

A company may have a low debt amount, but if its cash management practices are poor and accounts payable are surging as a result its solvency position may not be as solid as would be indicated by measures that include only debt.

It's important to look at a variety of ratios to comprehend the true financial health of a company, as well as understand the reason that a ratio is what it is. Furthermore, a number itself won't give much of an indication. A company needs to be compared to its peers, particularly the strong companies in its industry, to determine if the ratio is an acceptable one or not.

For example, an airline company will have more debt than a technology firm just by the nature of its business. An airline company has to buy planes, pay for hangar space, and buy jet fuel; costs that are significantly more than a technology company will ever have to face.

Example of Solvency Ratios

Below is a screenshot of Amazon's Q3 2022 financial position. At the end of September 30, 2022, Amazon had over $428 billion of total company assets:

What Is a Solvency Ratio, and How Is It Calculated? (2)

One can get a sense of Amazon's solvency by comparing last year's debt-to-equity ratio to this year's ratio. Although total debt is not explicitly shown on the financial statement, it can easily be calculated as the difference between total assets and total stockholders' equity (both of which are shown). The ratios for each year are:

  • 2021 D/E Ratio: $282,304 / $138,245 = 2.04
  • 2022 D/E Ratio: $290,873 / $137,489 = 2.12

From these two calculations, one can assess that Amazon's long-term solvency increased, and the company's financial positioning is very slightly more risky from the end of December 2021 to the end of September 2022. This is because the company now has proportionally more debt on its books compared to equity.

In another example, Amazon's debt-to-assets ratio also increased. This should come as no surprise as the company was shown to have taken on more debt in comparison to equity, so all else being equal, the relationship between debt and total assets should have also changed.

  • 2021 D/A Ratio: $282,304 / $420,549 = .67
  • 2022 D/A Ratio: $290,873 / $428,362 = .68

This means that the company used to have $0.67 of debt for every $1 of assets. In other words, 67% of all company assets were financed through debt. Now, the company has taken on a little bit more debt, so 68% of company assets are financed through debt. Slight variations like this are often not a big deal, but more consistent long-term trends or radical changes from one period to the next should be of more concern to investors.

What Are Solvency Ratios?

A solvency ratio measures how well a company’s cash flow can cover its long-term debt. Solvency ratios are a key metric for assessing the financial health of a company and can be used to determine the likelihood that a company will default on its debt. Solvency ratios differ from liquidity ratios, which analyze a company’s ability to meet its short-term obligations.

How Is a Solvency Ratio Calculated?

Solvency ratios measure a company’s cash flow, which includes non-cash expenses and depreciation, against all debt obligations. For instance, consider the debt-to-assets ratio, a popular metric that measures the degree that a company’s assets are financed by debt, where debt-to-assets equals total debt divided by total assets. Another common solvency ratio, the debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio, shows how financially leveraged a company is, where debt-to-equity equals total debt divided by total equity.

What Is the Difference Between a Solvency Ratio and a Liquidity Ratio?

Solvency ratios—also referred to as leverage ratios—analyze the impact on long-term obligations, and a company’s ability to continue operating over a longer horizon. By contrast, liquidity ratios look at two main objectives: a company’s ability to pay for short-term liabilities due under a year and the ability to quickly sell assets to raise cash.

Is a High Solvency Ratio Good?

A high solvency ratio is usually good as it means the company is usually in better long-term health compared to companies with lower solvency ratios. On the other hand, a solvency ratio that is too high may show that the company is not utilizing potentially low-cost debt as much as it should. While solvency is mostly used as a barometer of financial health and higher is good, it is also used to evaluate some of the operational efficiencies where higher is not always better.

Is Solvency the Same as Debt?

Solvency is related to debt, as solvency is the measurement of how well a company will be able to pay off its debts. In a lot of cases, it makes sense for a company to borrow money. In other cases, it may be cheaper to take on debt rather than issue stock. In the long-run, however, it is important that a company keeps track of its future obligations and whether it will be able to pay long-term debt as it comes due. Although solvency and debt are not the same thing, they are very closely related.

The Bottom Line

Solvency ratios are financial measurements that usually look at a company's total assets, total debt, or total equity to better understand the company's financing structure. This financial structure plays a critical part in knowing whether the company will be able to pay its long-term debts as they come due and have enough money in the long run. The most common solvency ratios are the debt-to-equity ratio, the debt-to-assets ratio, and and the interest coverage ratio.

What Is a Solvency Ratio, and How Is It Calculated? (2024)


What Is a Solvency Ratio, and How Is It Calculated? ›

A solvency ratio is a comprehensive measure of solvency, as it measures a firm's actual cash flow, rather than net income, by adding back depreciation and other non-cash expenses to assess a company's capacity to stay afloat. It measures this cash flow capacity versus all liabilities, rather than only short-term debt.

How do you calculate solvency ratio for individuals? ›

Solvency ratio = Net worth / Total Assets

The net worth of a person is the difference between his/her total assets and liabilities. The net worth is positive if the market value of assets is more than the liabilities. The assets in this case include all bonds, equities, fixed debts, mutual funds etc.

Is a 2.5 solvency ratio good? ›

Formula #2: Debt-to-equity ratio

For context, a ratio of 1 to 1.5 is too low to be considered favorable. Instead, you should aim to see 2 or 2.5 for this solvency ratio. Now, keep in mind that a high debt-to-equity ratio doesn't necessarily mean that a business can't pay off debt.

What is a 30% solvency ratio? ›

A solvency ratio of 30% is quite excellent and indicates a very healthy financial position of the company. It assures the investors and the shareholders that the company can repay their financial obligations with ease and are not cash-strapped.

What do you mean by short-term solvency ratio? ›

Short-term solvency ratios. Ratios used to judge the adequacy of liquid assets for meeting short-term obligations as they come due, including (1) the current ratio, (2) the acid test ratio, (3) the inventory turnover ratio, and (4) the accounts receivable turnover ratio.

What is solvency ratio with an example? ›

Thus, solvency ratio indicates whether the company's cash flow is adequate to pay its total liabilities. Amount (in Rs.) Then, if we use these numbers into the formula given above, we get: Solvency ratio = (15,000 + 3,000) / (32,000 + 60,000) = 19.6%.

What does a 1.5 solvency ratio mean? ›

IRDAI on the solvency ratio

As per the IRDAI's mandate, the minimum solvency ratio insurance companies must maintain is 1.5 to lower risks. In terms of solvency margin, the required value is 150%. The solvency margin is the extra capital the companies must hold over and above the claim amounts they are likely to incur.

What is a healthy solvency ratio? ›

Acceptable solvency ratios vary from industry to industry, but as a general rule of thumb, a solvency ratio of less than 20% or 30% is considered financially healthy. The lower a company's solvency ratio, the greater the probability that the company will default on its debt obligations.

What is a strong solvency ratio? ›

Important to note is that a company is considered financially strong if it achieves a solvency ratio exceeding 20%.

What is a bad solvency ratio? ›

For interest coverage ratios: seek a score of 1.5 or higher—anything below suggests that you might struggle to meet your interest obligations. For debt-to-asset ratios: go as low as possible, preferably between . 3 and . 6; a score of 1.0 means your assets are equal to your debts.

What is the most common solvency ratio? ›

The most common solvency ratios are the debt-to-equity ratio, the debt-to-assets ratio, and and the interest coverage ratio.

What is a good and bad solvency ratio? ›

As per the requirements of IRDAI, insurance companies must maintain a solvency ratio of 1.5. Anything higher than this is considered a good solvency ratio.

What is the difference between solvency ratio and liquidity ratio? ›

The liquidity ratio focuses on the company's ability to clear its short term debt obligations. The solvency ratio focuses on the company's ability to clear its long term debt obligations. The liquidity ratio will help the stakeholders analyse the firm's ability to convert their assets into cash without much hassle.

What is another name for solvency ratio? ›

Solvency ratios also known as leverage ratios determine an entity's ability to service its debt. So these ratios calculate if the company can meet its long-term debt.

How do you analyze solvency? ›

When analysts wish to know more about the solvency of a company, they look at the total value of its assets compared to the total liabilities held. An organization is considered solvent when its current assets exceed current liabilities. This is typically measured using the current ratio.

How to improve solvency ratio? ›

Strategies to Improve Solvency Ratio
  1. Effective Risk Assessment: Conduct comprehensive risk assessments to identify and evaluate potential risks. ...
  2. Diversification of Investments: A well-diversified investment portfolio can contribute to a more stable Solvency Ratio.
Jan 23, 2024

What is the basic liquidity ratio for individuals? ›

Net Worth is the amount left after deducting total liabilities from total assets. The ideal liquidity ratio is 15%. At least 15% of one's portfolio should have assets, which can be redeemed almost immediately in case of an emergency.

Why do we calculate solvency ratio? ›

A solvency ratio is a vital metric used to see a business's ability to fulfil long-term debt requirements and is used by prospective business lenders. It shows whether a company's cash flow is good enough to meet its long-term liabilities. It is, therefore, considered to a measure of its financial health.

What is a good debt to asset ratio for individuals? ›

A debt ratio between 30% and 36% is also considered good. It's when you're approaching 40% that you have to be very, very vigilant. With a threshold like that, you're a greater risk to lenders. You may already be having trouble making your payments each month.

What is the basic solvency ratio? ›

A solvency ratio examines a firm's ability to meet its long-term debts and obligations. The main solvency ratios include the debt-to-assets ratio, the interest coverage ratio, the equity ratio, and the debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio.

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