What Happens Between “Clear to Close” and Closing? - Right By You Mortgage (2024)

Buying a home is an exciting affair. And one of the most exciting moments – besides getting your house keys – is learning that your mortgage has been declared “clear to close.” Based on the name, you may think that means everything is complete and nothing else is needed.

Unfortunately, that’s not 100% accurate. There’s still plenty that needs to happen before you reach the closing table.

What Does Clear to Close Mean?

If you’ve received a “clear to close” status on your loan, congratulations! You’re close to the finish line.

“Clear to close” means an underwriter has approved your loan documents and that any conditions that were required for the loan to be approved have been met. It also means your lender is ready to confirm your closing date with the title company or attorney.

Can My Loan Still Be Denied?

While it’s rare, the short answer is yes. After your loan has been deemed “clear to close,” your lender will update your credit and check your employment status one more time. Usually, a month or two will have passed since you filled out your loan application, and the lender wants to make sure you haven’t taken out any other loans or switched jobs during that time. If you have made changes in either of these areas, it could impact your loan.

For example, if you apply for a mortgage and then open a new credit card to buy furniture or appliances for your new home, it will increase the amount of debt you are responsible for and will change your financial profile. This could cause you to no longer qualify for your new home. In addition, if you miss paying any monthly bills since applying for your loan, it could impact your credit score and may impact your ability to qualify for the program you originally applied for.

Your lender also needs to confirm your job status before closing. This is typically done by placing a call to your employer’s Human Resources Department. If you quit or lost your job since your loan approval, your loan could be denied. Even if you left your job for another job with equal pay, your loan could still be denied, or delayed, depending on the type of loan you have.

What to Do After Getting a Clear to Close

The best thing to do after getting a CTC is nothing. Keep paying your bills on time and don’t take out any new credit. If you’re tempted to buy furniture for your new home, wait until after your loan closes.

Also, don’t open or close any bank accounts or make any large transfers, deposits or withdrawals if you can help it. Just try to keep your finances as stable as possible.

It probably goes without saying, but don’t change jobs, either. If you do plan a job change, alert your lender as soon as possible so that they can help you navigate that transition with your loan in process.

Lastly, if your lender has any questions about your finances or needs any additional documents or information, don’t panic. It’s probably a response to something that came up on one of these last minute “checks” to make sure nothing in your profile has changed. So, just respond as quickly as possible.

If you have more questions about getting a mortgage and what you should do – or not do – to ensure your closing goes smoothly, just send a notetoinquiries@rightbyyoumortgage.comorgive us a call at1-877-552-2242. We’d be happy to help!

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What Happens Between “Clear to Close” and Closing? - Right By You Mortgage (2024)


What Happens Between “Clear to Close” and Closing? - Right By You Mortgage? ›

Clear to close means you're ready for the closing process, while closing refers to the act of closing on your mortgage loan. After you've been cleared to close you'll need to sign your closing disclosure, do a final walkthrough and attend your closing.

What happens between clear to close and closing? ›

Generally, a few days pass between receiving a clear-to-close on a mortgage and getting to sign for your new house and keys. During this window, buyers can expect to schedule their closing date and time, review their final mortgage documents, and wire their funds for purchase.

Can a loan be denied after clear to close? ›

Yes, even after receiving a 'clear to close' status, there's a possibility of being denied the loan.

How long does it take for an underwriter to clear to close? ›

According to ICE Mortgage Technology, conventional loans take an average of 44 days to close – 43 days on average for a purchase transaction and 46 days for a refinance. As we've mentioned, the underwriting part of this could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

What are the steps of the closing process in the right order? ›

The steps to closing on a house using a mortgage
  1. Purchase agreement acceptance.
  2. Optional buyer home inspection.
  3. Loan origination.
  4. Lender home appraisal and credit underwriting.
  5. Loan Approval.
  6. Homeowner and title insurance.
  7. Closing disclosures.

What is the 7 day closing rule? ›

7 Days from Initial Disclosure –

Mortgage Closing Waiting Period. The Rule prohibits the lender and consumer from closing or settling on the mortgage loan transaction until 7 business days after the delivery or mailing of the TILA disclosures, including the Good Faith Estimate and disclosure of the final APR.

What happens 3 days before closing? ›

Your lender is required by law to give you the standardized Closing Disclosure at least 3 business days before closing. This is what is known as the Closing Disclosure 3-day rule. This requirement is thanks to the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures guidelines, which went into effect on October 3, 2015.

What happens if your credit score drops before closing? ›

If your financial situation changes or your credit score takes a hit before closing day, the lender could deny your mortgage. Making major purchases, applying for new credit or changing jobs are common mistakes that could put your mortgage approval at risk.

How soon can a lender cancel a loan after closing? ›

You have signed all the papers necessary and have reached an agreement. Your lender is bound by law to stick to your contract. After closing, your lender cannot go back on the arrangement they have made with you. Your loan can be denied anytime from the point of application to the point of closing.

Can I get denied on closing day? ›

If there are any changes to your credit score or employment status, your loan can be denied during the final countdown.

Do lenders pull credit day of closing? ›

Credit is pulled at least once at the beginning of the approval process, and then again just prior to closing. Sometimes it's pulled in the middle if necessary, so it's important that you be conscious of your credit and the things that may impact your scores and approvability throughout the entire process.

What is the fastest you can close on a house? ›

It is technically possible to close on a home in 30 days, or even less, particularly if you are paying all-cash rather than getting a mortgage or dealing with a homebuying company or iBuyer. But in general, according to data from ICE Mortgage Technology it takes about 44 days to close on a home.

What is the last stage of the mortgage application? ›

Last step: exchange contracts – and move in!

With an official mortgage offer in your pocket from your lender, it's time to exchange contracts. That's when your solicitor and the seller's solicitor agree that all the paperwork looks good, and tell the lender to go ahead and send the mortgage money to the seller.

What is the last step in the closing process? ›

You've made it to the last step in the house closing process: signing the final paperwork. Closings usually take place at a title company with a closing agent and any co-borrower(s). There are also options now that allow you to do all of this online.

What is the last step before closing? ›

5. Time to close! This is the final step in the California escrow process, and the most important. At this stage, the homebuyer will provide a check for the closing costs that are due.

What is the timeline for closing on a house? ›

On average, closing on a house in California can take anywhere from 30 to 45 days, post-acceptance of an offer. This timeframe is fluid, influenced by the factors mentioned earlier. Each step, from financing approval to inspections, plays a crucial role in the overall timeline.

Do they verify employment after clear to close? ›

While it's rare, the short answer is yes. After your loan has been deemed “clear to close,” your lender will update your credit and check your employment status one more time.

How many days before closing do they run your credit? ›

Lenders typically do last-minute checks of their borrowers' financial information in the week before the loan closing date, including pulling a credit report and reverifying employment. You don't want to encounter any hiccups before you get that set of shiny new keys.

Is the closing disclosure the last step? ›

No, a closing disclosure is not the same as final approval. It is a document that outlines the terms of your mortgage loan, including the interest rate, fees, and other charges. You will still need to go through the underwriting process and receive final approval before closing on your loan.

What is the final approval for a home loan? ›

Final loan approval means that your credit history, bank accounts, and income have all been thoroughly checked and you can move forward with your home purchase.

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