Future of Investment Banking In India: A Brief Overview - IIM SKILLS (2024)

Do you yearn for a successful future? Still uncertain about how to improve your financial career and safeguard your life? Then, you are caught up. You can get a wonderful job in India with a bright future by using the information in this article on the future of investment banking in India. In this advancing era of globalization, investment banking is growing as a crucial tool for the expansion of industries and supporting the economic growth of numerous sectors around the world. Given that it has a very promising future in India and the rest of the world, it is a fantastic career choice. Investment banking has a highly impressive role, therefore anyone considering starting their career there should do so. To maximize the potential of aspiring professionals’ skill sets, this article will examine the future of investment banking in India and whether investment banking in India is a viable career option in detail.

Future of Investment Banking In India: A Brief Overview - IIM SKILLS (1)

What Does Indian Investment Banking Entail?

Investment banking is a category of financial services that aids businesses and individuals in India with capital raising and portfolio management. Underwriting, mergers and acquisitions, portfolio management, trading in securities, risk management guidance, and other related services are offered by investment banks. Investment banking firms also offer potential investors research and analysis on companies in addition to these services. Contrarily, investment banking is a subset of banking that is distinct from standard banking services and excludes the general public as a whole, therefore it should not be confused with general banking. Even if the general public can contribute, the scale and size of this project are restricted.

Investment banking can be viewed from two different angles: as a concept and as a career. Investment banking demands highly skilled professionals with a thorough understanding of financial institutions, investment banking, and other pertinent ideas. The majority of investment bankers hold degrees in finance, but as technology has developed, the focus on the requirements for becoming an investment banker has shifted away from fancy degrees in commerce and toward having a passion for the business as well as the requisite skills and knowledge.

How Does an Investment Bank Perform:

Let’s assume there are two businesses, A and B.

An investment banker will inform A that the company is worth $800 million. However, if he permits him to sell A to B, he will receive A 1b$.

A is overpriced in the market at 1.3 billion dollars, and the investment banker will go to B and inform him that he can acquire A for B at a discounted price of 1.1 billion dollars. Banker will earn $100,000,000.

In the simplest terms possible, this is what an investment bank performs. You also have other duties, such as procuring financing or equity, to perform.

Investment Banking Definition:

Let’s begin by defining investment banking. An “internet of money” is a simple metaphor for the global financial system. There is a huge network that functions similarly to the “power grid” and that you may conceive of as a “money grid.” Trillions of dollars are flowing through that grid, thus maintaining it is essentially necessary to keep the flow of money going.

How do you transfer money now? Since trust is a key component of money, handshakes and trust are frequently used while moving money. Person A consents to provide money to Person B in exchange for certain things. Person B consents to donate money to Person C in exchange for certain things. A lot of individuals are entering numbers into computers, signing contracts, shaking hands, and attending meetings.

A few major banks serve as “key nodes” in the money grid. You could compare them to the money-related versions of Google, eBay, or Amazon. When necessary, tens of billions of dollars are transferred through significant organizations. These organizations, which are investment banks, employ people who work as investment bankers.

To gain people’s trust and ascertain who needs money, banking involves intrapersonal talents, dealmakers, and technical expertise. This calls for skilled employees as it entails figuring out who needs the money and lending it to them.

Current Status of Investment Banking in India:

Investment banking has always been an attractive career option for the majority of applicants in India who possess an affinity for numbers and strong financial abilities. The work is challenging and the hours are long, despite the high income. Asset management, restructuring, merger and acquisition agreements, trading in securities, custodian services, syndication, corporate finance, and capital markets services are just a few of the many additional services that IB offers.

Several multinational firms, like JP Morgan, JM Financial, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, BNP Paribas, Credit Suisse, Lehman Brothers, and Goldman Sachs, have their headquarters abroad. The major banks compete with local, indigenous businesses in the boutique banking industry. P2P, Cogence Advisors, Ripple Wave, MAPE, Veda Corp., and Ripple Wave are some of these participants.

The banking sector has recently suffered grave setbacks as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic’s destructive effects on the economy.

The investment banking sector has, however, emerged as a rival, seeking to reach new heights as money and liquidity flood the markets. The pandemic-related issues, which included things like falling share prices, market democratization, liquidity stress, dynamic financial rules, and client deterrence, hurt the industry. Despite the epidemic, the industry has opted to expand because it is taking so long to pass and it is now clear that it will always exist.

Owing to the unstable and unpredictable nature of the markets, investors are currently cautious about making investments. Stock values have decreased as a result of the collapse of entire industries brought on by the pandemic, trapping investors and business owners in debt-ridden cycles. Due to the current glut of money in the market and the outstanding expansion of investment banking, the trend in that direction is shifting over time.

Investment banking maintained the economy during the epidemic, and in some respects, by minimizing the damage, it assisted in stabilizing it. Even though other sectors had lost their appeal, this one profession was doing its best to divert funds to those that could continue to operate despite the collapse of the economy. This was a major contributing factor in the emergence of numerous new industries, notably the cosmetics sector, during the pandemic years.

Future of Investment Banking In India: A Brief Overview - IIM SKILLS (3)

Current Issues Facing Indian Investment Banks:

The following categories best describe the challenges that India’s investment banking industry is currently experiencing: Global competitiveness, capital market laws, investor demands, technology developments, cost pressure, human resource difficulties, risk management processes, and data security measures. Let’s explore each of these subjects a little more thoroughly.

Foreign banks’ growth and profit potential in India have led to intense international competition, with a significant concentration of foreign players outbidding domestic rivals for new business deals.

Along with this global risk, Indian investment banks must also adhere to the stringent capital market rules put in place by the appropriate regulatory organizations. These rules aim to stop money laundering and safeguard investors’ interests, among other things. Indian investment banks must make sure they have the necessary records and reporting procedures in place, as well as that they conform with all applicable rules and laws, to meet these criteria.

The need for investment banks to be more accountable and transparent is growing as investors become more aware of their rights. Due to increased scrutiny from both authorities and investors, Indian investment banks now need to accept greater responsibility for their actions to maintain investor confidence.

The market environment has been constantly changing as a result of technical developments and the opening up of new channels for customers to buy the goods and services provided by investment banks. Indian investment banks must adopt these technology developments if they want to compete with their increasingly tech-savvy customers.

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The Future of Investment Banking in India:

There is instability in the future of Indian investment banking. The future of investment banking is uncertain in light of ongoing pandemics, current outbreaks, and recent stock market turbulence. But, likely, industrial competitiveness and digitization won’t put this future in danger. Given the recent good performance and industry recovery of investment banking, it is expected that this trend will shortly continue.

Here are a few forecasts or fresh trends for the industry shortly:

  • Innovative technologies
  • Adapting business strategies
  • Higher returns (subject to business model modifications)
  • Latest consumer expectations
  • The constant flow of money
  • Arise in unstressed liquidity

Investment banking appears to have a promising future and is expanding in the correct direction. The system has ensured that, despite the rupee’s recent considerable decline versus the dollar, the market is functioning smoothly and that all other matters are correctly managed. Higher client returns are anticipated in the sector shortly, but business model changes are likely.

The Investment Banking Global Market Report 2022 predicts a compound annual growth rate of 11.9% in 2022 and 10.4% in 2026, indicating a significant expansion in the global investment banking sector. The projected growth in the number is astounding.

By concentrating on the mergers and acquisitions of specialized boutique companies in sectors including technology, healthcare, finance, media, and entertainment, investment banking is expanding its market share and creating major potential for bigger companies.

India’s economy will continue to expand, and there are certainly good possibilities for the sector there. Investment banks will have more opportunities as a result of the Indian government’s efforts to liberalize the economy and entice international investment.

Investment banks will also benefit from the rise in M&A as well as Indian companies going public. Much like in any other nation, a variety of macroeconomic and political factors may alter the general investment environment, which may have an effect on the future of investment banking in India.

Investment Bankers’ Salaries in India:

One needs to be fully informed of the prospective compensation to succeed in the investment banking sector. It’s crucial to keep in mind that earnings drastically vary amongst various banks and organizations while thinking about alternate job possibilities. As a result, you need to grasp compensation in great detail.

Investment banking compensation in India can be both highly appealing and competitive. Entry-level banker wages normally begin around 79 lacks per year, depending on the size of the bank and its position in the market. Senior investment bankers might make up to or more than 15 lakhs per year.

Numerous investment banks in India also provide bonuses and other benefits like stock options and grants of restricted stock, in addition to base salaries. Normally, bonuses are given out twice a year and are based on performance. Bonuses depend upon your position and the role of an employee.

Researching India’s investment banking salaries is crucial for career advancement. It provides insight into base salary and bonuses, ensuring fair compensation before committing to a specific job offer.

Investment bankers are recruited by top companies like Wipro, IBM, Morgan Stanley, and Barclays, with the highest paying companies like Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs offering high salaries ranging between INR 14.00 LPA – 15.50 LPA. The maximum remuneration for an investment banker might range from INR 27.20 LPA to 30 LPA.

What Appears for Investment Banking in the Future?

Several reasons, such as the following, have contributed to the Investment Banking (IB) industry’s better-than-ever state:

  • a change to an execution business that is more viable capital-efficient; and
  • more focus on captive revenue sources

Large MNCs (Multinational Corporations) and regular people alike use the investment banking services that banks offer to a diverse range of clients. Investment banking is currently impacted by several variables, including high-frequency trading, virtual IPOs, new technology, and shifting employment trends.

The future of investment banking will be influenced by technology, with advanced trading activities and agility of IBs. This could involve:

  • diverse franchises for sales and trade.
  • a worldwide client business model,
  • A global, ideal ecosystem marketing plan with substantial scale and liquidity, a la “Tencent”.
  • hedge funds offering risk recovery opportunities,

It is predicted that changes in market dynamics and technological improvements will have an impact on the future of investment banking. Blockchain technology, automation, and other financial breakthroughs will improve operations and boost output. Investment banks will prioritize offering specialized, digital services while also adjusting to regulatory changes and putting a focus on sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) considerations while making investment decisions. Let’s look more closely at each of these elements:

Also Check,

  • Financial Modeling vs Investment Banking
  • Guide To Investment Banking
  • Financial Services vs Investment Banking
  • Investment Banking Business Models
  • Career Opportunities In Investment Banking
  • Investment Banking Industry

ESG Investing

ESG investing is becoming more popular in investment banking as investors place a higher value on sustainability and moral behaviour. To match investments with their clients’ beliefs, investment banks are now providing ESG-focused products and services.


Blockchain technology has the potential to drastically change the scope of investment banking through security, transparency, and decentralized systems for asset transactions. It has the power to accelerate settlement processes, lower fraud, boost liquidity, and enable real-time transaction monitoring. Investment banks are working hard to understand how blockchain technology might be used in a variety of fields, such as smart contracts, international payments, and trade finance.

Automation and AI

Due to automation and artificial intelligence, people may eventually have even less influence over their concerns. The term “Robo-advisor” for artificial intelligence has been used for both personal and professional reasons. Even though we are making great strides in the fields of automation and AI, there are still many issues that need to be carefully considered before the “Robo-advisor” becomes the de facto “employee” in all major investment banks. These issues include building an infrastructure, human acceptability, execution, privacy and ethics, security, and other issues. This is particularly valid when it comes to rules and regulations. Algorithms powered by artificial intelligence are capable of analyzing massive amounts of data, identifying trends, and making data-driven financial decisions. Automation reduces expenses by streamlining processes including risk assessment, compliance, and transaction execution.


With the use of digital platforms for client onboarding, automated trade execution, and improved client experiences, investment banking is significantly becoming digitized, which speeds up transactions and improves operational efficiency. This is one of the key elements that will determine how investment banking develops in the future.


As technology advances, cybersecurity will become more crucial for the future of investment banking. Investment banking is being transformed by technological advancements, which call for strong security measures to safeguard customer information, avert breaches, and guarantee transaction integrity.

Unusual High Levels of Mobility Security

This important development will affect the way we work in the future. Currently, users of consumer applications like Paytm and Google Pay can access funds, but employees at investment banking firms in industries with rigorous regulations are only allowed to use approved devices, giving them access to their coworkers’ private information.


The top 10 Investment banks in India are:

  • Citi group
  • Credit Suisse
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Deutsche bank
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Bofa Merril Lynch
  • JP Morgan
  • RBC Market
  • Wells Fargo
  • Barclays

Scope of Investment Banking in Future:

Banks will need to take proactive steps to deal with new technology, altering client expectations, and novel business models to adapt to future developments in the banking sector. Banks need to start making preparations as soon as possible if they want to adequately adapt to the banking industry of the future. Examining the existing situation confirms the promising prospects for investment banking. But it’s crucial to stress that strict respect for laws and standards is a crucial condition for success in this industry.

Analysis of the current situation reveals that there is a lot of promise for the future of the investment banking sector. There are, however, several rules and standards that must be adhered to. They must be followed and put into action.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Future of Investment Banking in India:

Q1. What benefits and drawbacks come with working in investment banking?


Billion-dollar transactions that make the headlines

Opportunities for money

More fascinating work than the majority of boring jobs available


Exit that is ordinarily difficult to obtain

Strong work ethic & hard talents


The hours you put in don’t pay off in terms of money.

Because it’s so client-focused, there is too much emphasis on creating visually appealing slides and not enough on analysis.

Given your lack of sleep and lack of a work-life balance, you won’t be pleased.

Work can be quite tedious and monotonous.

You’ll experience ill health

Q2. What obstacles are being faced by Indian investment banking going forward?

The problem for the investment banking sector is centred around greater capital charges, market electronification and digitalization, a fixed cost base, rigid and layered technology, and heightened regulatory and reporting complexity.

Q3. What is the environment like for investment bankers in India? (Duties, working hours, and range of pay).

In India, investment bankers frequently put in more than 12 hours every day. In their line of work, they provide customers with advice on a range of financial transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings, and debt and equity offerings. They also help clients with restructuring and financial problems. Investment bankers in India often receive an annual salary between INR 20 lakhs and INR 1 crore, depending on their level of experience, the size and reputation of their company, and other considerations. It’s important to keep in mind that the task may need frequent travel and weekend labour and that it can be difficult and frustrating.

Conclusion Thoughts Over Future of Investment Banking in India:

This brings to a closure of the article on the future of investment banking in India. Many significant subjects have been covered, including how an investment bank performs, the current state of investment banking in India, current problems with investment banking in India, the future of investment banking in India, how pay will change in the future, and the potential for future growth.

The way banking appears in the future will be considerably different from the way it does today. Banks must begin making plans today to be ready for banking in 2030. This is because they will have to deal with shifting consumer expectations, developing technologies, and new business models.

India offers a lot of opportunities for investment banking. It is one of the industries with the highest demand right now. Investment banking is a terrific career choice that is gaining prominence due to India’s increasing FDI rate. Investment banking is a sort of rewarding career that provides opportunities for both professional and personal growth in addition to financial rewards. There are many opportunities for promotion in this fast-paced job. You can advance your career through investment banking by entering fields like entrepreneurship, wealth management, and venture capital. The last thing I want to say is that I think there will be plenty of room for investment banks shortly.

For individuals seeking rich returns on their investments, the field of investment banking in India has grown more and more appealing. Investment banks are highly specialized financial organizations in India that offer a range of services to organizations, governments, and private citizens. Investment banks in India have expanded beyond securities underwriting and loan facilitation to offer wealth management solutions, including investor relations advice and asset management consulting, catering to high-net-worth individuals seeking tailored investment solutions.

I wish all the best to all those who are interested in joining this field.

Billion-dollar transactions that make the headlines

Opportunities for money

More fascinating work than the majority of boring jobs available


Exit that is ordinarily difficult to obtain

Strong work ethic & hard talents


The hours you put in don't pay off in terms of money.

Because it's so client-focused, there is too much emphasis on creating visually appealing slides and not enough on analysis.

Given your lack of sleep and lack of a work-life balance, you won't be pleased.

Work can be quite tedious and monotonous.

You'll experience ill health" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What obstacles are being faced by Indian investment banking going forward?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The problem for the investment banking sector is centred around greater capital charges, market electronification and digitalization, a fixed cost base, rigid and layered technology, and heightened regulatory and reporting complexity." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the environment like for investment bankers in India? (Duties, working hours, and range of pay).", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "In India, investment bankers frequently put in more than 12 hours every day. In their line of work, they provide customers with advice on a range of financial transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings, and debt and equity offerings. They also help clients with restructuring and financial problems. Investment bankers in India often receive an annual salary between INR 20 lakhs and INR 1 crore, depending on their level of experience, the size and reputation of their company, and other considerations. It's important to keep in mind that the task may need frequent travel and weekend labour and that it can be difficult and frustrating." } }]}

Future of Investment Banking In India: A Brief Overview - IIM SKILLS (2024)


What is the future of investment banking in India? ›

Investment banking is currently impacted by several variables, including high-frequency trading, virtual IPOs, new technology, and shifting employment trends. The future of investment banking will be influenced by technology, with advanced trading activities and agility of IBs.

Which IIM is best for investment banking? ›

Best IIMs for Finance include IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow. Finance courses in IIMs are available in certification courses, PG Program, Fellowship, MBA, and Ph. D. IIMs are one of the best colleges for MBA Finance with average placements ranging from INR 12 Lakhs to INR 18 Lakhs.

What is the overview of investment banking in India? ›

An investment bank is a financial institution that assumes the role of an intermediary in elaborate and big-ticket monetary transactions. These include IPOs, mergers and acquisitions, liquidation and even a take-over. These entities also act as financial advisors or brokers for large institutional clients.

What is the salary of IIM investment banker? ›

What is the salary of IIM Investment Banker? IIM graduates entering investment banking can command high salaries, ranging from INR 20.50 LPA for those with 5-9 years of experience to potentially INR 30 LPA or more for top earners.

What is the future outlook of banking industry in India? ›

With a keen focus on innovation, adaptive strategies, and prudent risk management, the Indian banking sector strives for a future characterised by sustained progress and resilience. 2023 marked a turning point, showcasing the sector's ability to overcome challenges and chart a path towards growth.

Why investment banking is the future? ›

Investment banking is emerging as an important tool for the expansion of industries and aiding the economic growth of many sectors around the world in this expanding era of globalization.

Does JP Morgan hire from IIM? ›

Like every year, IIM placements 2024 have witnessed participation of top companies like E&Y, Deloitte, Walmart, Accenture, JP Morgan Chase, Barclays, Morgan Stanley, Tolaram, Squareyards & Protiviti, EXL, KPMG, HSBC, Goldman Sachs, Amazon, Zomato, ICICI Bank, Bajaj, Axis, Tata, WIPRO, etc.

Does Goldman Sachs hire from IIM? ›

The top bulge bracket banks (Goldman, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Citi, Credit Suisse, BAML) recruit at an analyst level from IIM A and C. They generally do not go to ISB and only a select few go to B. Base Salary: Anywhere between 35-40 lakhs.

Which IIM has highest package? ›

IIM Lucknow achieves 100% placement with highest international salary package of ₹1.23 crore. Top recruiters include Accenture, Deloitte, McKinsey, Microsoft.

How is investment banking as a career in India? ›

As mentioned previously, investment bankers have a higher CTC than most professionals around the globe. Investment banking being part of the financial sector has better salary options. And the one who chooses this sector gets financially rewarded. Competent employees are offered higher salary packages.

What is the scope of investment banker in India? ›

For most Indian students, the scope of investment banking has been centered on a desirable career path. A few of the many other services that this field provides are restructuring, Capital market services, Custodian services, Corporate Finance, Syndication, Trading in securities, and Mergers and acquisitions.

How rich are investment bankers in India? ›

A mid-level investment banker in India can expect a base salary of 25-35 lakhs per annum with an additional annual bonus of 10-20 lakhs.

Which city in India is best for investment banking? ›

Data shows that Goldman Sachs employees in New York get paid the most, which is where Grand Wall Street and its institutions are located. The most high-paying city regarding investment banking in India is Mumbai. One can earn 86% more than the nationally average salary in investment banking.

Do investment banks hire from IIM? ›

Alumni from IIMs Ahmedabad and Calcutta make up the biggest chunk at the top three investment banks - Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and Morgan Stanley. XLRI and JBIMS alumni concentration at these banks is also significant, though the data for JBIMS may also include individuals not from a management background.

Is investment banking worth it MBA? ›

Investment banking positions are highly desirable and financially rewarding for MBA grads, which makes it extremely competitive field. And without a business background or banking experience, it can be hard to break into the finance industry without an MBA, especially top investment banks.

What will investment banking look like in 10 years? ›

The future will likely require that investment banks shed non-core assets and redesign their service delivery around a connected flow model—moving capacity and processes among various geographies and ecosystem partners—and optimize the use of financial technology, data, and analytics to generate differentiated insight ...

Is investment banking worth it in India? ›

If money is what you are looking for then the investment banking sector is the perfect choice as they often provide high salaries with bonuses which are extremely attractive for individuals.

What is the salary of investment banking in India after 5 years? ›

A mid-career Investment Banker with 4-9 years of experience earns an average salary of ₹17.4 Lakhs per year, while an experienced Investment Banker with 10-20 years of experience earns an average salary of ₹56.2 Lakhs per year. What are the top paying industries for Investment Banker in India?

What is the future outlook for investment bankers? ›

Employment of securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents (including investment bankers and investment banking sales agents and traders) is expected to grow by 6 percent from 2016 to 2026, according to the DOL, or about as fast as the average for all careers.

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