Closing Argument – Mock Trial Strategies (2024)

Closing Argument

Closing Argument

Original Cochise County Courthouse, Tombstone Courthouse Historical Park, Arizona, 1882.


The closing statement is the attorney’s final statement to the jury before deliberation begins. The attorney reiterates the important arguments, summarizes what the evidence has and has not shown, and requests jury to consider the evidence and apply the law in his or her client’s favor.

What to know before drafting a closing

  • What happened from your side’s point of view?
  • What is your theory of the case?
  • What are the key elements that have to be proved (by you or the other side)?
  • What do you anticipate the evidence will show?
  • What are the important facts your side’s witnesses will testify to?
  • What themes (words and phrases that convey emotions) do you want toemphasize?
  • Who has the burden of proof and what is it?
  • What do you want the jury to do?
  • How much time do you have? (usually 5 minutes)

Anatomy of a Closing Argument : The Basics

If you are the prosecution or plaintiff you must reserve time for rebuttal before you start your closing argument. Check your Mock Trial rules.

  1. An Introduction:
    • Attorney identifies themselves(or not)
      • Some attorneys begin with something like:“Your Honor, members of the jury, my name is (full name), representing the prosecution/defendant in this case.”
      • If they have already been introduced, many attorneys just go right into their opening to save time, create drama, and make it look more like a real trial.
    • Using a hook to begin
      • The closing attorney has a lot more flexibility than the opening attorney
      • Closing is a persuasive argument
    • Briefly review what has to be proved (by you or the other side)
  2. Theory of the case
    • One or two sentences which tell the jury what the evidencehas shown in the context of your theoryof the case
    • The evidencehas shown by a preponderanceof evidencethat my client, Landry Lopez, was fired for reporting an illegal activity to his employer, the restaurant Buddies Burgers.”
    • Could be combined with a brief overview of what the evidence has shown using general statements or through a descriptive story
  3. A brief review of what you (or the other side) must prove or disprove
    • This is essentially the elements of the case
    • Do not delvetoo deep into legal terms or you will lose the jury’s attention
    • Talk about burden of proof
  4. Tell the jury what the evidence has (and has not) shown and how the elements that need to be shown have (or have not) been proven
    • Focus on the key issues
    • Identify witness testimony and exhibitssupporting each issue
    • Tell a the client’s story
    • Reinforce case themes
    • Help the jury tie things together in their mind
    • The organizational structure will vary depending on the case
  5. A conclusion
    • Discuss the burden of proof (some put this near the beginning)
      • “This is a civil case and Plaintiff Landry Lopez must prove his case by a preponderance of the evidence.” (Explain briefly and illustrate with hands what a preponderance of the evidence means)
    • Restate the theory of the case
      • Oregon’s whistle blower law exists to protect, and encourage, employees to report illegal activity in the workplace. Mr. Lopez engaged in such whistle blower activity and was fired for doing so. “
    • Tell the jury what you want
      • “For these reasons, after you have heard all the evidence, at the end of this trial we will ask you to return a verdict in favor of Landry Lopez.”
      • “At the end of the trial the State of Oregon will ask you to find the Defendant guilty of . . .”
      • “Based on the evidence you will hear, at the end of the trial the Defendant will ask you to return a verdict of not guilty.”

Tracking the evidence at trial

  • Closing attorneys can only talk about what evidence came in at trial
    • Witness statementsare not evidence (unlessthey were admitted to impeach a witness)
    • Exhibitsare not evidence unless admitted
    • What an attorneysaidin their openingstatementis notevidence
  • What the closing attorney anticipates the evidence will be may not happen at trial
    • Witnesses may forget key evidence
    • Attorneys conducting the direct and cross examinations may forget questions
    • Attorneys may forget the last step of offering an exhibit into evidence
    • Testimony and exhibits may be kept out the judge after the other side objects
  • Consequently, it is important to track what evidence comes in during the trial
  • Ways to track evidence include:
    • Memory (fallible)
    • Notes (cumbersome and hard to access)
    • A master outline to checking key items off of as they come in (better)
    • Keeping a flow chart (better)
  • Outlines:
    • Prepare in advance
    • List the key facts for each witness
    • List all exhibits
    • Do not go into too much detail (makes things hard to find)
    • Contain blank space for notes on actual witness testimony and quotes
    • Contain blank space for the opposition’scross examination
  • Flow Charts are:
    • Prepare in advance
    • List the key facts for each witness
    • List all exhibits
    • Do not go into too much detail (makes things hard to find)
    • Contain blank space for actual witness testimony and quotes
    • Contain blank space for the opposition’scross examination
    • Includes places to track other sides’s theory of the case and arguments in openingsand closings

Going Deeper: Ways to Improve the Closing Argument:

The attorney doing the closing argument is being judged both on the substance of the closing and on their performance(public speaking ability).

How to improve the substance:

  1. Whetherto use an outline or write out your closing:
    • Practicing attorneys differ on this
    • The choice may depend on
      • The attorney’s speaking style
      • The attorney’s comfort level with impromptu speaking
      • The attorney’s ability to memorize a speech
      • Other roles the attorney might have in the case
    • In either case, the closing argument mustbe modified based on what evidence comes in
    • Using an outline
      • Certain parts can still be memorized (intro, conclusion, etc)
      • Body of the argument can be easily modified as trial progresses
      • Delivery style may seem often more natural
      • More difficult to use rhetorical devices
      • More difficult to implement themes in the body of the speech
    • Using a written speech
      • Most of the speech is memorized
      • More difficult to modify based on the what happens at trial
      • Delivery style is often more formal
      • Easier to use planned out rhetorical devices
      • Easier to implement themes in the body of the speech
  2. How many other roles should the closing attorney have?
    • The closing attorney must track what evidence comes in
    • Having other roles makes it more difficult for them to do this
    • It is especially difficult for a prosecution/plaintiff attorney to do cross examination and a closingbecause this is when they should be putting together their thoughts for closing argument
  3. Keep revising the outline of your your closing argumentuntil it is exactly as you want it
    • Closing arguments go through many edits and revisions
    • Seek out the input from others
    • Try things out – if they don’t work, don’t use them
  4. Read the opening statement
    1. Is it consistent with the theory of the case used in closing?
  5. Read the direct and cross examinations
    1. Are they consistent with the theory of the case used in closing?
    2. Has evidence been left out that is needed for closing argument?
  6. Consider a hook to begin your closing
    • A hook is a sentence or short paragraph which serves as an attention grabbing device
    • See section on advance public speaking techniques
  7. Keep telling your client’s story
    • Use descriptive, emotional content
    • Use active voice
    • Use language that reinforces your themes
  8. Use past tense when talking about what the evidence has shown
    • Proper phrasing includes statements like:
      • “The evidence has shown that . . .
      • “The facts have shown that …”
    • Use a few of these lines but don’t overdo it.
    • You can just as easily say :
      • In her testimony Landry Lopez told you . . . “
  9. Everything you say should have a purpose
    • Don’t ask questions (it allows the jury to come up with answers you might not want)
    • Do not waste your time on unimportant things
  10. State the facts affirmatively – do not negate the other side’s facts or position
    • The more you repeat something the more it is remembered and believed
    • If you say the evidence will show that“Mrs. Smith did not run the red light” the ‘not’ is lost.
    • The jury remembers the phrase “ran the red light”
    • Instead say the evidencewill show “Mrs. Smith came to a complete stop at the signal.”
    • The jury remembers “came to a complete stop at the signal.”
  11. Make strategic decisions on how to attack and challenge the other side’s witnesses
    • Depends on the witness
      • Are they a sympathetic witness who just got it wrong?
      • Are they deliberately lying or lacking in credibility?
    • Be professional with opposing counsel – attack the facts and witness, not the otherattorney
  12. Personalize your side’s witnesses
    • Personalize your witnesses by using their names
    • Depersonalize the opposition’s witnesses with language like ‘Defendant” or “Plaintiff”
  13. The Prosecution in a criminal case is the Government
    • Don’t be shy to take on this role
    • Refer to yourself“The State of ___” not just the“prosecution.”
  14. Talk about facts that are not in dispute (look at the stipulations)
    • “There are certain facts in this case that are not in dispute . . . “
    • “The defense/prosecution have agreed . . .”
    • The parties have agreed that . . .”

How to improve the performance:

  1. Practice
  2. Find your focus, energy and commitment
  3. Memorize your overall outline and the portions of the closing that you can
    • Memorize movement, inflections, and gestures to the extent you can
    • If notes are needed
      • Use them sparingly
      • Use a legal pad or clip board so they do not flop around
  4. Talk directly to the jury
    • Don’t be afraid of the jury
    • Look them in the eye
    • Educate them about the case
    • Move closer (5-10 ft.) but not too close
    • Be natural so as to keep their attention
  5. Strive to appear honest and helpful
    • Do not be overly aggressive in your argument style
    • Being overly aggressive can make one less believable
    • Help the jury – assist them in evaluating the evidence in a persuasive way
    • Do not shout except to make a particular point
    • Use rhetorical devices to persuade
  6. Use conversational language that is engaging
    • Let the type of case dictate your style and tone
    • Example: A prosecutor might want to be more forceful whereas adefendant might want to evoke sympathy
  7. Use legal terminology sparingly
  8. Use body posture and movement deliberately and consciously
    • Maintain upright body posture (do not slouch)
    • Keep shoulders back to show confidence
    • Stay balanced
    • If you move make the movement coincide with transitions between points
    • Try not to change position more than 7 times in 5 minutes
    • Try not to fidget or have unnecessary gestures or body movements
  9. Use gestures
    • Use gestures to create interest and drama
    • Gestures include the give, the show, the tell, and signposting
    • Don’t shy away from pointing to individuals in the court – the type of point may vary
      • If you are the prosecution and point to the defendant it will be using a harder accusatory “tell” gesture with a pointed finger
      • If you are pointing to your own witnesses it will be using an inviting open handed “give” gesture
  10. Act professional and confident – even if you are nervous


Preparation Sheet

Closing Argument – Mock Trial Strategies (1)

Closing Argument Preparation Sheet

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How to do a Closing Argument (Professor Rose)

Opening Statement and Closing Argument, Judge David Barker

How to do a Closing at Mock Trial – Defense

Jerry Spence Closing Argument for Defense in a Criminal Case

Closing Argument – Mock Trial Strategies (2024)


How to write a closing argument for a mock trial? ›

Anatomy of a Closing Argument : The Basics
  1. An Introduction: ...
  2. Theory of the case. ...
  3. A brief review of what you (or the other side) must prove or disprove. ...
  4. Tell the jury what the evidence has (and has not) shown and how the elements that need to be shown have (or have not) been proven. ...
  5. A conclusion.

What are the techniques used in closing arguments? ›

The techniques used to deliver a compelling closing argument include; organization, vivid language and compelling imagery. Style involves injecting your personality into every element of your presentation. There is a view among some lawyers that we should write out our closing argument prior to trial.

What are the keys to a good closing argument? ›

The basic components are: a dynamic beginning; a compelling and accurate factual story consistent with your case theme and theory; an application of the facts to the law; a strong ending that reinforces your case theme/theory; and a clear “ask” (tell the jurors what you want them to do).

How do you win a closing argument? ›

The closing argument
  1. The power of substance.
  2. Draft early, draft often.
  3. Acknowledge the court staff, the jury, your client, and your team.
  4. Keep it simple – not stupid.
  5. Practice your delivery.
  6. Use formal presentations as necessary.
  7. Take the jury through the trial witnesses and evidence.
  8. Deal with bad facts and bad witnesses.

What is an example of a closing statement in a mock trial? ›

CONCLUSION: At the conclusion of the case we would ask you to find that my client is innocent. The state has not met its burden of proof, and we would ask for a verdict of not guilty. Thank you.

What Cannot be included in a closing argument? ›

Facts of Other Cases.

It is not permissible argument for counsel to read, or otherwise state, the facts of another case, together with the decision therein, as premises leading to the conclusion that the jury should return a verdict favorable to his client in the case on trial.

Can you object in closing arguments? ›

Don't Object (Unless the Closing Argument is Really, Really Objectionable) Most jurors find objections during closing argument to be rude. Accordingly, do not object unless opposing counsel makes a major mistake that prejudices your client.

What choice is not an example of a closing statement? ›

A Q&A session, while it can be used as a concluding activity, is not typically considered a closing statement. It is a separate section where questions from the audience are answered by the speaker or author, providing additional clarification or insight.

What is the difference between a closing argument and a statement? ›

As the terms suggest, an “opening statement” comes at the beginning of the trial, while a “closing argument” occurs at the end of the trial after all the evidence is established.

What is an example of a closing argument? ›

An example of a closing argument is the lawyer opening with a statement, "How can my client be in two places at once?". The lawyer could then incorporate the theme of an alibi, arguing that the defendant could not have possibly committed a crime because they weren't even in the country when the crime took place.

What are the closing arguments in a trial? ›

Closing argument is the lawyer's final opportunity in a trial to tell the judge and/or jury why they should win the case. They do so by explaining how the evidence supports their theory of the case, and by clarifying for the jury any issues that they must resolve in order to render a verdict.

How to craft and deliver a winning closing argument? ›

How to Craft and Deliver a Winning Closing Argument
  1. Develop Themes. ...
  2. Track the Evidence with an Eye Toward Closing. ...
  3. Analyze the Elements of Each Claim. ...
  4. Think about the Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Case. ...
  5. Create a Compelling Narrative. ...
  6. End with a Strong Conclusion.
Feb 14, 2023

How goes first in closing arguments? ›

The plaintiff, having the burden of proof, usually has the right to give her closing argument first, followed by the defendant's closing argument. In many jurisdictions, the plaintiff may use all of the allotted time, or the plaintiff may reserve time (e.g., ten minutes) to use after the defendant's closing argument.

How do you outline a plaintiff in a closing argument? ›

Summarize the facts that have been presented through the evidence. Stress how these facts have confirmed the representations that you made in opening. Point out where your opponent has not been able to support statements made in opening. Explain the areas where your case has had weaknesses.

Are there rebuttals in closing arguments? ›

Amendments Proposed by the Supreme Court, Rule 29.1 is a new rule that was added to regulate closing arguments. It prescribes that the government shall make its closing argument and then the defendant shall make his. After the defendant has argued, the government is entitled to reply in rebuttal.

What is argumentative in mock trial? ›

An argumentative question challenges the witness about an inference from facts in the case. Example: Assume that the witness testifies on direct examination that the defendant's car was going 80 m.p.h. just before the collision. You want to impeach the witness with a prior inconsistent statement.

What does a closing statement look like? ›

The closing statement typically lists fees in two columns, one detailing the buyer's expenses and one detailing the seller's. The amount the buyer must give the seller has its own entry at the bottom of the document.

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