Upfront costs of buying a home | What you need to save for (2024)

What costs do you pay upfront when buying a house?

Many home buyers only think about the down payment when they’re saving for a house. But you’ll also pay a slate of upfront fees (known as “closing costs”) on your purchase.

The actual amounts needed for both the down payment and closing costs can vary by a wide margin. The good news is, you have a lot of control over what you’ll pay.

If you understand your options and choose your mortgage wisely, you can seriously minimize your upfront costs when buying a home.

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In this article (Skip to...)

  • Home buying costs
  • How much to save
  • Down payment assistance
  • Get started

What are the upfront costs of buying a home?

There are several costs that you must pay upfront and out-of-pocket to buy a house. Collectively, these add up to your “cash to close.”

Upfront home buying costs include:

  • Earnest money — 1% of purchase price or more (paid first but goes toward your down payment)
  • Down payment — Varies (average is 6-12%)
  • Closing costs — 2-5% of home loan amount
  • Prepaid property taxes and home insurance — 6-12 months’ worth

It’s crucial to be aware of the upfront costs associated with buying a home so you can set your expectations realistically and have enough cash on hand when you find the property you want.

“Knowing what to expect upfront can make a home buyer better prepared,” says Jason Gelios, a Realtor in Southeast Michigan.

Dan Belcher, founder and CEO of Mortgage Relief, agrees.

“The external price of a home listed is not the final payment for a house closing deal. Technically, other fees are involved. Prospective buyers must consider such factors carefully for them to avoid confusion,” says Belcher.

Let’s dig into each item — and what you can expect to pay — a little further.

1. Earnest money

Also called a ‘good faith deposit,’ earnest money usually takes the form of a wire transfer or personal check paid to the seller shortly after your offer is accepted. This money demonstrates to the seller that you’re serious about purchasing the property.

Note that the seller doesn’t keep the earnest money for themself. Provided the deal goes through, your earnest money will be applied to your down payment at closing.

When you make a good faith deposit, your check will be held by a third party, title company, or the buyer’s agent and may not actually be cashed. If it is, the monies are kept in an escrow deposit account and indicated as a credit to the buyer at the closing table.

Earnest money needs to be paid within three days of your offer being accepted, so make sure you have liquid cash available when house hunting.

Earnest money can be paid in one or two installments. Two installments are more common for larger loan sizes and less-qualified borrowers.

“The first installment is usually smaller and can be returned to you if you find something unexpected during the home inspection and decide to no longer move forward with your offer,” says Guadalupe Sanchez, founder at Budgeting in Blue in Chicago. “The second earnest payment is the larger of the two and typically made before your closing day. Your earnest payments are counted toward your down payment and closing costs.”

“These funds usually need to be made within three days of mutual acceptance of your offer, so you need to have those funds in hand and ready to spend,” says Paige Shulte, a Realtor with Windermere Professional Partners in Gig Harbor, Washington.

Earnest money commonly equates to 1% of your offer price, unless you need to be more competitive with your offer, in which case it can represent up to 10% of your offer price.

If you want to purchase a $300,000 home, for example, your earnest money cost will likely be at least $3,000. But remember, this will go toward your down payment at closing.

2. Down payment

You’ll also need to make a down payment that counts toward the home purchase price.

Many home buyers think they need 20% down, but in fact, the average is a lot less. First-time home buyers put down just 6% on average and repeat buyers average a 12% down payment

Low-down-payment loans are available, too. An FHA loan can be had for as little as 3.5% if you are eligible; some conventional loans need only a 3% down minimum; and zero down is required for a USDA loan or VA loan.

If you’re not sure how much down payment you need, talk to a lender about which types of mortgage loans you qualify for and how much cash is required for each one.

Keep in mind that the higher your down payment is, the more likely your offer will be accepted by the seller.

On a $300,000 house, expect your down payment to range from $9,000 to $60,000 based on your chosen loan type.

Check your mortgage options with a lender

3. Closing costs

Your down payment isn’t the only sum you’ll have to pay on closing day. There are also upfront closing costs. These cover all the fees required to set up your mortgage loan, including the lender’s fees, appraisal, inspection, and other third-party service fees. Count on paying 2-5% of your loan amount in closing costs.

You can see a full list of closing costs here. A few of the major ones include:

  • Mortgage application, origination, and underwriting fees
  • Commission fees for your agent or broker
  • Home inspection
  • Home appraisal
  • Title search, insurance, and survey
  • Property recording and transfer taxes
  • Attorney fees

Using the $300,000 home purchase example, you’ll probably pay between $6,000 and $15,000 in closing costs.

4. Prepaid taxes and insurance

“During closing, you’ll likely be required to also pay for a year’s worth of homeowners insurance coverage and most likely at least six months of property taxes,” adds Sanchez.

Today, the average yearly homeowner’s insurance premium is about $1,250. And Most U.S. homeowners pay around $2,500 a year in property taxes, on average. That adds up to approximately $2,500 you’d need to save for 12 months of homeowners insurance and six months of property taxes. (However, this can vary a lot based on location, home price, and more. So make sure you get an accurate estimate from your lender.)

“Prepaid taxes are collected at the time of closing and are estimated from the date of closing up to the next tax due date,” Gelios notes. “The first year of homeowners insurance is collected at closing, with many lenders escrowing that cost to lower their risk of borrowers letting it lapse.”

Note that you may not have to pay these costs upfront if you put at least 20% down and decide not to open an escrow account for your taxes and insurance. But then you’ll be responsible for paying them on your own rather than having your mortgage lender handle the arrangements.

Technically, prepaid taxes and insurance are usually lumped into closing costs. But it’s helpful to explain them separately so that you can better understand these costs and compartmentalize them as unique expenses.

Verify your home buying eligibility. Start here

How much cash do you need to save to buy a house?

Many home buyers can get into a home with as little as 3-5% down. And closing costs are typically 2-5% of the mortgage balance. That means to build an appropriate savings cushion, home buyers need to save at least 10% of their purchase price at a minimum. And that’s only if they know they’ll qualify for a low-down-payment loan.

“For [a] home buyer who doesn’t qualify for any special mortgage options, they should plan to save roughly 25% of their target purchase price,” recommends Martin Orefice, founder and CEO of Rent To Own Labs.

“So, if you’re looking at homes in the $300,000 range, you should plan to have at least $75,000 saved, which gives you some flexibility and cushion by the time you reach closing.”

Using the previous $300,000 home purchase example, you will probably need to save the following to pay for the upfront costs of buying a home:

Upfront CostLow EstimateHigh Estimate
Home Price$300,000$300,000
Earnest Deposit*$3,000$15,000
Down Payment$9,000$60,000
Closing Costs$6,000$15,000
Total Upfront Cost$15,000$75,000

*The earnest deposit will be credited toward your other expenses at closing, so this cost is not counted separately in the total

Clearly, the cash-to-close can vary a lot depending on your down payment amount and closing costs.

Some of this is up to you. For instance, you can choose how much money you want to put down, with options ranging between 3% and 20% on a conforming loan. And you can shop around with different lenders to find the cheapest closing costs.

But some factors that impact your home buying costs, like location, property tax rates, and service fees, are out of your control.

So make sure you get accurate estimates for your upfront costs and plan accordingly. Get pre-approved by a lender before you start house hunting so that you’ll have a clear picture of your down payment options, closing costs, and how much cash you’ll need to save to afford the home you want.

Down payment and closing cost assistance

Here’s some good news: There are down payment and closing cost assistance programs you may be eligible for that can reduce the upfront costs of buying a home.

“Each state has its own down payment assistance programs in place to aid in the dream of homeownership. In my state of Michigan, for instance, we have MSHDA, a program that allows for down payment assistance in certain zip codes. It’s best to consult with your agent and lender to get information on all your available programs,” Gelios recommends.

Check out these links for helpful down payment and closing cost assistance program resources:

Get started on your home purchase

While all home buyers pay virtually the same set of upfront fees, the actual dollar value will look very different from one buyer to the next.

Your total upfront home buying costs depend on your loan type, location, mortgage lender, mortgage rate, and a number of other factors.

For this reason, you should get a firm estimate from a mortgage lender before you shop for a home. Your mortgage lender will tell you exactly how much you need for your down payment and closing costs. And that will allow you to set a savings goal and shop for a home within your price range.

Ready to get started?

Time to make a move? Let us find the right mortgage for you
Upfront costs of buying a home | What you need to save for (2024)


Upfront costs of buying a home | What you need to save for? ›

A good number to shoot for when saving for a house is 25% of the sale price to cover your down payment, closing costs and moving expenses. (This amount is separate from saving up 3–6 months of your typical living expenses in a fully-funded emergency fund—which I recommend you do first, before saving up for a home.)

How much money should I save before buying a house? ›

A good number to shoot for when saving for a house is 25% of the sale price to cover your down payment, closing costs and moving expenses. (This amount is separate from saving up 3–6 months of your typical living expenses in a fully-funded emergency fund—which I recommend you do first, before saving up for a home.)

What are the upfront costs of a mortgage? ›

Upfront home buying costs include: Earnest money — 1% of purchase price or more (paid first but goes toward your down payment) Down payment — Varies (average is 6-12%) Closing costs — 2-5% of home loan amount.

What should you financially have in place before you buy a home? ›

It means saving up an adequate down payment, identifying the right mortgage lender, checking your credit rating, minimizing your debts, setting aside cash for closing costs, and getting pre-approval for a mortgage in advance. All before you go to your first open house.

Is it possible to buy a house up front? ›

Buying a house with cash might be possible for you, but it isn't always the right move. If you decide to finance your home instead, you'll have a choice of different mortgages so you can choose the loan that works best for you.

How much house can I afford if I make $70,000 a year? ›

As a rule of thumb, personal finance experts often recommend adhering to the 28/36 rule, which suggests spending no more than 28% of your gross household income on housing. For someone earning $70,000 a year, or about $5,800 a month, this means a housing expense of up to $1,624.

Is $100,000 a year enough to buy a house? ›

A pair of recent studies predicts that you'd need to earn more than $100,000 per year to comfortably afford a typical home in much of the U.S. right now. That's a major jump from just four years ago, and it comes at a time when fewer homes are on the market and mortgage rates and housing prices have been high.

What is the upfront closing fee? ›

Closing costs are typically 3% – 6% of the loan amount. This means that if you take out a mortgage worth $200,000, you can expect to add closing costs of about $6,000 – $12,000 to your total cost. Closing costs don't include your down payment, but you may be able to negotiate them.

What are the upfront fees? ›

Meaning of up-front fee in English

an amount of money paid before a particular piece of work or a particular service is done or received: Before signing up to any mortgage deal, check what up-front fees you may have to pay. Often, cash advances come with an upfront charge. What is the pronunciation of up-front fee?

What is the formula for upfront cost? ›

Finally, use the formula UC = (P + F + T + I) to calculate the total upfront cost. After inserting the variables and calculating the result, check your answer with the calculator above.

What should my income be before buying a house? ›

Now, Americans must earn roughly $106,500 in order to comfortably afford a typical home, a significant increase from the $59,000 annual household income that put homeownership within reach for families in 2020, according to new research from digital real estate company Zillow.

Can I buy a house making 40K a year? ›

Using the 28/36 rule to calculate your home purchase budget

A mortgage might be good debt, but it's still debt and must be treated as such for budgeting purposes. If we're following the 28/36 rule, your mortgage payment with a 40K salary tops out at $933 each month, and your other debts are capped at $267.

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Your Debt-To-Income Ratio

Your lender must confirm that you can pay your current debts and comfortably afford your monthly mortgage payment. If your DTI is too high, you may struggle to cover the monthly payment. Most lenders cap the DTI ratio at 50%. You likely won't qualify for a loan if your DTI is over 50%.

What are the three types of upfront costs? ›

Upfront costs or costs to be paid before you close on your new home include the down payment, closing costs, and the earnest money deposit.

Does the IRS know when you buy a house cash? ›

The law demands that mortgage companies report large transactions to the Internal Revenue Service. If you buy a house worth over $10,000 in cash, your lenders will report the transaction on Form 8300 to the IRS.

How much cash should you have before buying a house? ›

You likely need 8%-10% in cash to buy a house

The amount of money needed to buy a house varies hugely from person to person. Still, most buyers should expect to save at least 8% to 10% of their target home purchase price. That covers 3%-5% for a minimum down payment and 2%-5% for closing costs, which is about average.

How much should I save for a $300000 house? ›

In most cases, you'd be expected to make a down payment of approximately 3.5% (with a 1.75% insurance premium, and at a 4.25% interest rate). A down payment on our $300,000 model: $10,500. Together with closing costs and a buffer, savings required would be $26,916?$ 28,416.

How much should I save for a $200 K house? ›

$206K purchase price with 3% down

In order to keep your home loan at $200,000, you'll need to put down about $6,185, which is 3% of the purchase price. At an interest rate of 6.75%, your mortgage payment would end up around $1,630 per month.

How much do I need to save for a 500K house? ›

Introduction to down payments

So, if your mortgage requires that you put down, say, 3%, the down payment needed for a $500K house would be $500,000 x 3% = $15,000. And a 20% down payment would require $100,000 ($500,000 x 20% = $100,000). You may be able to do those calculations in your head or using a calculator.

How much of your paycheck should you save for a house? ›

Earmark 20% For Your Savings Plans

If you're able to meet the guidelines for your needs and wants, the final 20% of your paycheck goes toward savings. This may include large savings goals, such as saving for a home, or revolving savings goals, like going on vacation.

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