The Pros And Cons Of Personal Loans | Bankrate (2024)

Personal loan funds can be used for a number of purposes, including debt consolidation and medical expenses. It can be a good solution if you need funds fast — some lenders can deposit funds into your account as fast as the next business day. Plus, average rates are typically lower than other forms of debt, like credit cards.

But like all financial products, personal loans have drawbacks as well. For example, some lenders charge high fees, which can greatly increase your borrowing costs. Before you take one out, you should weigh the pros against the cons to determine whether it’s the right financing option for you — and consider alternatives.

Pros and cons of personal loans: Why they matter

As with any other form of debt, there are advantages and disadvantages to be aware of before applying for a personal loan. If you don’t consider these factors before accepting the loan terms, you could put your financial health on the line. Carefully evaluate the following pros and cons and how they could impact your wallet to make the best decision for your situation.

Pros of personal loans

Personal loans can offer benefits over other types of loans. Below are a few advantages of using this type of financing over other options.

One lump sum

Because you get the loan payment all at once, it can be easier to make a large purchase, consolidate debt or otherwise use the loan all at once. Plus, you’ll get a fixed interest rate and predictable monthly payment, making the loan easier to manage.

  • Why this matters: Receiving a lump-sum payment with a fixed interest rate can be easier to manage and help you avoid late payments.

Fast funding times

Personal loans generally have fast approval times and payment times, making them useful for emergencies or other situations where you need money quickly. Some personal loan lenders can deposit the loan proceeds to your bank account as soon as the next business day.

  • Why this matters: If you need money fast, a personal loan can be a good financing option.

No collateral requirement

Unsecured personal loans don’t require collateral for you to get approved. If you cannot repay an unsecured loan based on the agreed-upon terms with your lender, you’ll face significant financial and credit consequences.

However, secured loans require you to back the balance with an asset (also called collateral), like your home or car, and if you can’t repay their loan, then your asset could be seized to repay the balance.

  • Why this matters: With an unsecured loan, a lender can’t take your collateral for failing to repay the loan, at least without a court’s permission.

Lower interest rates

Personal loans often come with lower interest rates than credit cards. As of May 2024, the average personal loan rate is 12.21 percent, while the average credit card rate is 20.66 percent.

Consumers with excellent credit history can qualify for personal loan rates of around 10.73 percent to 12.50 percent. You may also qualify for a higher loan amount than the limit on your credit cards.

  • Why this matters: You can potentially save money on interest if you have good credit and take out a personal loan instead of a credit card.

Flexibility and versatility

Some loans can only be used for a certain purpose. For example, purchasing a vehicle is the only way to use the funds if you take out a car loan. Personal loans can be used for many purposes, from consolidating debt to paying medical bills.

A personal loan can be a good alternative if you want to finance a major purchase but don’t want to be locked into how you use the money. Check with your lender on the approved uses for the loan before applying.

  • Why this matters: A personal loan can be a good solution if you need to borrow money for virtually any reason.

Extended loan terms

Unlike short-term loans like payday loans and others that charge high interest rates, personal loans range from 2-10 years, depending on the lender. Consequently, you could be offered a reasonable monthly payment and ample time to repay what you borrow.

  • Why this matters: Longer loan terms can make the monthly payment more affordable. Just keep in mind that the longer your loan term, the more interest you’ll pay over the life of the loan.

Easier to manage

Some people take out personal loans to consolidate debt, such as multiple credit card accounts. A personal loan with a single, fixed-rate monthly payment is easier to manage than several credit cards with different interest rates, payment due dates and other variables.

Borrowers who qualify for a personal loan with a lower interest rate than their credit cards can streamline their monthly payments and save money.

  • Why this matters: If you qualify for a personal loan with a lower interest rate than your current debt, you can save thousands of dollars in interest.

Cons of personal loans

Personal loans can be a good option for some, but they are not the right choice in all situations. Here are a few negatives to consider before taking out a personal loan.

Interest rates can be higher than alternatives

Interest rates for personal loans are not always the lowest option. This is especially true for borrowers with poor credit, who might pay higher interest rates than credit cards or a secured loan requiring collateral.

  • Why this matters: The lower your credit, the more likely a lender will charge you a high interest rate. As a result, you could end up paying thousands of dollars more in interest than someone with good credit.

More eligibility requirements

Personal loans can have more strict requirements than other types of funding options. If you have poor credit or a short financial history, fewer lenders will be available to you. Furthermore, some lenders don’t allow co-signers, which can be used to strengthen your approval odds if you have minimal credit history or your credit score is low.

  • Why this matters: Qualifying for a personal loan may be more difficult if you have bad credit.

Fees and penalties can be high

Personal loans may come with fees and penalties that can drive up the cost of borrowing. Some loans come with origination fees of 1 percent to 6 percent of the loan amount. The fees, which cover loan processing, can either be rolled into the loan or subtracted from the amount disbursed to the borrower.

Some lenders charge prepayment penalties if you pay the balance off before the end of your loan term. Before applying, review all fees and penalties of any personal loans you are considering.

  • Why this matters: Fees and penalties can greatly increase your borrowing costs.

Additional monthly payment

When you take out a personal loan, you’re adding another payment to your budget. Before taking out a loan make sure the payment fits comfortably within your current and future financial plans. Also, make sure you account for the interest rate, principal amount and fees when calculating your monthly payment.

  • Why this matters: A personal loan can put a strain on your budget if you borrow more than you can afford.

Increased debt load

Personal loans can be a tool for consolidating debt such as credit card balances, but they do not address the cause of the debt. Paying your credit cards off with a personal loan frees up your available credit limit. If you’re not careful, it can be tempting to rack up more debt rather than focusing solely on paying it off.

  • Why this matters: Although taking out a personal loan can help you consolidate high-interest debt, it can cause you to go deeper into debt if you don’t address any bad spending habits.

Higher monthly payments than credit cards

Credit cards come with small minimum monthly payments and no deadline for paying your balance off in full. Personal loans require a higher fixed monthly payment and must be paid off by the end of the loan term.

If you consolidate credit card debt into a personal loan, you’ll have to adjust to the higher payments and the loan payoff timeline or risk defaulting.

  • Why this matters: Higher monthly payments can be more difficult to manage depending on your finances. As a result, you might be at higher risk of defaulting on the loan.

Potential credit damage

If you don’t keep up with your monthly payments or fail multiple applications, personal loans can harm your credit score. When you apply for a loan the lender will conduct a hard-credit inquiry, which will knock your score down a few points and the amount of debt you owe vs. your annual income can damage your credit.

However, the initial degradation doesn’t last long with a positive repayment history and your score will grow as you make monthly payments and pay down your debt. Your repayment history makes up the largest percentage – 35 percent – of your FICO Score and your amounts owed makes up 30 percent.

  • Why this matters: Weak repayment history and a high debt-to-income ratio will likely result in a significant drop in credit, which can make it difficult to get approved for things like a mortgage and a car loan.

How to decide if a personal loan is right for you

Personal loans are an attractive option if you need quick cash. Along with considering your spending habits and credit health, consider the following loan details before applying.

  • Loan amounts available.
  • Fees associated with the loan.
  • Loan terms available.
  • Customer service support and experience.
  • Types of loans available.

When a personal loan might be right for you

Once you’ve investigated the options available to you and your potential rates, here’s how to discern whether a personal loan might make sense for your situation:

  • You have a strong credit score:The lowest interest rates are reserved for borrowers who have good credit.
  • You want to pay off high-interest debt:Personal loans are a good way to consolidate and pay off costly credit card debt.
  • You’ll use the funds toward necessary expenses: Other good reasons to use personal loans include paying for emergency expenses or remodeling your home.

When to look for an alternative

However, personal loans are not a good idea for everyone. A few reasons why a personal loan might not be right for you include:

  • You have a habit of overspending: Paying your credit cards off with a personal loan may not make sense if you’ll immediately begin building up a new credit card balance.
  • You can’t afford the monthly payments: Consider a personal loan’s repayment timeline and monthly payments. Use a loan calculator to determine whether or not you can afford the monthly payments for the term you’ll spend paying it off.
  • You don’t need the money urgently: It might make sense to build up your savings to pay for a large purchase instead of taking out a personal loan and making payments with interest for many years.

The bottom line

Before taking out a personal loan, make a plan for how you’ll use the funds and how you’ll repay them (with interest). Weigh the pros and cons of taking out a personal loan rather than using another financing option. Review alternatives such as a home equity loan, a HELOC or a credit card balance transfer. Use a Bankrate calculator to help you determine the best borrowing option for you.

If you’re considering a personal loan, get quotes from several lenders to compare interest rates and loan terms. Don’t forget to read the fine print, including fees and penalties. Once you have all the data, decide if the benefits of a personal loan outweigh the drawbacks before making a commitment.

The Pros And Cons Of Personal Loans | Bankrate (2024)


What is a benefit of obtaining a personal loan answer? ›

Personal loans generally have fast approval times and payment times, making them useful for emergencies or other situations where you need money quickly. Some personal loan lenders can deposit the loan proceeds to your bank account as soon as the next business day.

What are the advantages of a personal loan? ›

Consider the potential advantages:
  • Flexible Use.
  • One Lump Sum.
  • Fast Funding.
  • They Can Help Build Your Credit Score.
  • Higher Borrowing Limit Than a Credit Card.
  • Lower Interest Rates Than a Credit Card.
  • Predictable Repayment Schedule.
  • Flexible Repayment Terms.

Is it ever a good idea to take out a personal loan? ›

Taking out a personal loan can make more sense than tapping credit cards or home equity in some cases – but it's not always a good idea to borrow one. There are situations where this could be a good idea, but always remember that taking out a personal loan increases your overall debt.

What to say to get approved for a personal loan? ›

To get a better idea of what you may want to tell your lender, below are some of the most common reasons to get a personal loan:
  • A Short-Term Unexpected Emergency Expense.
  • To Consolidate Debt.
  • A Large Purchase.
  • Home Repair and Renovation.
  • Covering Costs for Major Milestones and Goals.
  • Paying for School.
  • Buying Real Estate.
Dec 8, 2021

What is personal loan answer? ›

Personal Loan is an unsecured credit provided by financial institutions based on criteria like employment history, repayment capacity, income level, profession and credit history. Personal Loan, which is also known as a consumer loan is a multi-purpose loan, which you can use to meet any of your immediate needs.

What are the disadvantages of a loan? ›

Loans are not very flexible - you could be paying interest on funds you're not using. You could have trouble making monthly repayments if your customers don't pay you promptly, causing cashflow problems. In some cases, loans are secured against the assets of the business or your personal possessions, eg your home.

What is a key advantage of private loans? ›

Private student loans offer different repayment plans—including options that allow you to make interest-only or fixed payments while you're in school. These in-school payments could lower your total student loan cost.

What can you not use a personal loan for? ›

But your loan agreement may prohibit you from using the money for certain expenses, like college tuition or gambling. You may also face restrictions from lenders if you try to use personal loan funds as a down payment on a mortgage. There are alternative financing options for these restricted purposes, however.

How hard is it to get a personal loan? ›

It's not difficult to apply for a personal loan. The process is typically simple and quick, and depending on the lender, you can get the funds fast. Still, it's best to take the time to search for lender options that fit your needs (and your credit profile).

Is there a risk to a personal loan? ›

Yes. Most personal loans require a hard credit check that can lower your credit score by up to five points. In addition to inquiries, failing to pay your loan on time could lower your credit score once the late payment is reported to the three major credit agencies.

Can personal loans hurt your credit score? ›

Your credit score can dip a few points when you formally apply for a personal loan, but missed payments can cause a more significant drop. Getting a personal loan will also increase the amount of debt you owe, which is one of the factors that make up your credit score.

Is it bad to pay off a personal loan right away? ›

Yes, paying off a personal loan early could temporarily have a negative impact on your credit scores. But any dip in your credit scores will likely be temporary and minor. And it might be worth balancing that risk against the possible benefits of paying off your personal loan early.

What credit score do you need to get a $30,000 loan? ›

Requirements to receive a personal loan

This allows them to look at your history from the past seven years and see whether you've typically made payments on time. For a $30,000 loan, you'll typically need a credit score above 600 just to qualify or above 700 to get a competitive rate.

Do I have to give a reason for a personal loan? ›

While most reasons won't stop you from obtaining a personal loan, you'll need to explain why you need the money you're borrowing.

Do personal loan companies check your bank account? ›

Your bank account information may be required either to verify revenues or to facilitate ACH payments. It is essential that when you are asked to provide personal information make sure you are dealing with a reputable company and using a secure website. (See tips below.) Loan approval regardless of credit.

What is a benefit of obtaining a personal loan Quizlet? ›

principal borrowed. What is a benefit of obtaining a personal loan? getting large amounts of money to use immediately.

What is a benefit of obtaining a personal loan getting money with special repayment terms? ›

The benefit of obtaining a personal loan is accessing large amounts of money immediately for various needs, such as college expenses, home purchases, and personal investments. This allows borrowers to address immediate financial requirements and plan for future repayment as their financial situation improves.

What is the benefit of borrowing money from a personal loan? ›

The benefit: Your personal property isn't at risk. Most personal loans are unsecured, meaning there's no collateral required to qualify. Instead, lenders spotlight your credit scores and reports, debt-to-income ratio and other financial factors to determine your eligibility and interest rate.

What is a benefit of obtaining a personal loan brainly? ›

Final answer:

A benefit of obtaining a personal loan is getting money with favorable interest rates, lower monthly payments, and the ability to plan your finances effectively.

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