The Discrete Reality of Physical Space (2025)

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Three possible implications of spacetime discreteness (2013)

Shan Gao

We analyze the possible implications of the discreteness of spacetime, which is defined here as the existence of a minimum observable interval of spacetime. First, it is argued that the discreteness of spacetime may result in the existence of a finite invariant speed when combining with the principle of relativity. Next, it is argued that when combining with the uncertainty principle, the discreteness of space may imply that spacetime is curved by matter, and the dynamical relationship between matter and spacetime holds true not only for macroscopic objects but also for microscopic particles. Moreover, the Einstein gravitational constant can also be determined in terms of the minimum size of discrete spacetime. Thirdly, it is argued that the discreteness of time may result in the dynamical collapse of the wave function, and the minimum size of discrete spacetime also yields a plausible collapse criterion consistent with experiments. These heuristic arguments might provide a deeper understanding of the special and general relativity and quantum theory, and also have implications for the solutions to the measurement problem and the problem of quantum gravity.

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The General Science Journal

Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 9/17: Discrete space

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Antonio Leon

This paper discusses the consequences (on the physical space) of some of the formal results proved in the precedent papers, namely the Theorem 5.5 of Formal Dependence and the inconsistencies of the actual infinity and the infinite divisibility. The consequences are almost immediate and very clear, space would have to be finite, discrete and physical, i.e. real, which obviously contrast with the usual concept of space in contemporary physics. A model based on Cellular Automata Like Models is then proposed to start the discussions on the foundational basis of a new finitist and discrete paradigm of physical space.

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Will analyze some physical concepts only using natural numbers. We assume a space discrete Physical variables such speed or momentum are considered as result of the sum of discrete contributions .Such discrete contributions can be calculated with natural numbers only . Elementary algebra is used in the analysis of physical subjects .

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In this paper, I introduce a particular discrete spacetime that should be seriously considered as part of physics because it allows to explain the characteristics of the motion properly, contrary to what happens with the continuous spacetime of the common conception.

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Three possible implications of spacetime discreteness

Shan Gao

We analyze the possible implications of spacetime discreteness for the special and general relativity and quantum theory. It is argued that the existence of a minimum size of spacetime may explain the invariance of the speed of light in special relativity and Einstein’s equivalence principle in general relativity. Moreover, the discreteness of spacetime may also result in the collapse of the wave function in quantum mechanics, which may provide a possible solution to the quantum measurement problem. These interesting results might have some important implications for a complete theory of quantum gravity.

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Arxiv preprint gr-qc/0505023

Discrete space-time

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Rodolfo Gambini

Abstract: We review recent efforts to construct gravitational theories on discrete space-times, usually referred to as the``consistent discretization''approach. The resulting theories are free of constraints at the canonical level and therefore allow to tackle many problems that cannot be currently addressed in continuum quantum gravity. In particular the theories imply a natural method for resolving the big bang (and other types) of singularities and predict a fundamental mechanism for decoherence of quantum states that might be relevant to the ...

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The General Science Journal

Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 2/17: Physics and language

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Antonio Leon

This article points out the frequent lack of rigor in the use of ordinary language in contemporary physics and its scant concern for the problem. The ambiguous, even contradictory, use that physicists make of certain terms, such as order, organization, information, entropy, infinity, point, change, nothingness and others, stands out. This lack of linguistic and formal rigor leads some physicists (even Nobel Prize winners) to construct fallacious arguments. The article also highlights the disinterest of physics in the formal problems at the base of its mathematical language. Particularly noteworthy is its disregard for a hypothesis, which, if inconsistent, would have devastating consequences on physical theories: the Hypothesis of the Actual infinity subsumed in the Axiom of Infinity, a hypothesis that fundaments the spacetime continuum on which most of such physical theories are built.

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Cosmos and History


2020 •

Zhen Liang

In this paper, I examine the philosophical assumptions subtending the newly emerging concept of the smallest possible chunk of discrete space-Planck length, employing the method of historical analysis, hermeneutics, and phenomenological investigation.With the metaphysical presuppositions undergirding Planck length revealed, I attempt a discussion of the philosophical implications of the discrete space.

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European Scientific Journal ESJ

Schwarzschild's Metric (Schwarzschild 1916) under specific conditions provides a Taylor series first order discrete length when transforming coordinates between observers. Exploring the consequences of the discrete length produces an a priori result of quantized space-time. Deriving base units from the quantization of space-time and applying elementary charge, exact formulations for the observed Schwarzschild's discrete units are obtained. These units are equivalent to Planck's mass, length, time, momentum, force, energy and Planck's constant (NIST CODATA 2014).

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The Discrete Reality of Physical Space (2025)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.