B2 Outlet Store - Hudsonville on Hudsonville.com (2024)

B2 Outlet Store - Hudsonville on Hudsonville.com (1)

Shopping / Retail
Hudsonville, Michigan, 49426

(616) 669-5600

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Brand New. Good Price. Great Cause.

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(616) 669-5600

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More About B2 Outlet Store - Hudsonville

From clothing, general merchandise, shoes, furniture, and appliances, shoppers enjoy the treasure-hunt experience that our stores offer. With ever-changing inventory and unbelievable discount prices, there’s a little something for everyone. B2 Outlet Stores differentiates itself among competitors by the values in which it operates. The foundation of our mission is to give back to local and global initiatives.

Our wide variety of inventory across our stores assures you’ll always find something wonderful. Ranging from women’s clothing, men’s clothing, and children’s clothing to our incredible furniture and appliances, B2 Outlet Store will have you coming back for more every day! Plus, with every purchase made, you are helping to contribute to initiatives taking place right in your community and around the world!

As with many organizations with a great cause, B2 is no different. Our story begins with a reality that many struggle with every day. B2 founders Duane and Matt Smith (father and son), did not initially plan to begin this company, but look back now and see God’s leading hand throughout the journey.

Duane’s first wife and Matt’s mother Karin was diagnosed with cancer in 2009. After several unsuccessful surgeries and various treatments, it became clear in the early months of 2013 that a final cure was not part of God’s plan. Matt was then in his final semester at Palm Beach Atlantic University in Florida. Initially his goal was to remain in Florida and possibly begin a business there. Sensing however that his mom was in her final months, Matt made choice to come home following graduation to spend quality time with his mom.

Prior to this time, Matt and his good friend had been dabbling with buying and selling liquidated goods on local online auctions. Having faired well with this small pole barn business, Matt called his dad to see if he thought there may be a possibility to build this side hobby into an actual business. It was then that together Duane and Matt came up with the idea to leverage liquidated goods but with an ultimate cause in mind. As a former youth pastor, Duane presented the idea of Bid-2-Benefit-Youth to Matt and that summer, the concept began to take shape.

In October, just five months after Matt returned home, God called his mom Karin home to heaven, after a courageous battle with this challenging illness. Shortly thereafter, Matt and Duane were able to purchase Grand Valley Online Auction in Hudsonville, MI, with life insurance money, officially launching the larger vision of Bid-2-Benefit-Youth.

Later that next year (2014), the business exploded with growth as an online retail outlet division was launched. Beginning as Benefit Twice Outlet Stores and later becoming B2 Outlet Stores, it was this store division that has provided the means for Matt and Duane to truly live into the mission and vision every day.

Out of death and loss has sprung new life. Today, thousands of lives annually are being touched by B2 and Karin’s legacy of compassionately caring for others continues with every purchase.

B2 Outlet Store - Hudsonville Specialty

  • Retail Shopping Locations
  • Outlet Stores
  • Thrift Stores

B2 Outlet Store - Hudsonville Coupons / Deals

Posted on 02/21/2020 - B2 Outlet Store - Hudsonville

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B2 Outlets - Military Appreciation - 20% Off

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20% off entire purchase for Military, the first Wed of each month at all B2 Outlets. Cannot be combined with any... View More

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Posted on 02/21/2020 - B2 Outlet Store - Hudsonville

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B2 Outlets - Senior Discount Days - 10% Off 55+

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10% off ages 55+ Tuesdays Only at all B2 Outlets Cannot be combined with any other offer. All sales final on... View More

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B2 Outlet Store - Hudsonville on Hudsonville.com (2024)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Views: 6807

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.